Monday, September 12, 2005

visit to Constitution Center

I took a vacation day a couple of weeks ago to see the Constitution Center.

The Freedom Rising show was really inspired.

We cannot let our complacency result in the erosion of our freedoms. Removal of freedoms under the pretense of security should be done only with the upmost caution. Even if necessary, such security should be as unintrusive as possible. Make sure your socks are clean and not worn out before going to the airport. (Note: you do not have to take off your shoes to ride El Al- Israeli airline - at least not the last time I rode it) We probably could learn a thing or two from those who have been fighting terrorism on their soil for a lot longer than we have. Including the mistakes they have made.

Is this merely an attempt to replace an old enemy with a new one? Is terrorism being used as the new Communism? Pray we do not have an equivalent McCarthy. Will money for social welfare be redirected to security and other efforts to reduce our freedoms?

The imposition of democracy is merely another form of tyranny. You made the enemy in Iraq yourself. Playing in another nation’s affairs only breeds hatred. Empires spread decay from within.

This city is a fitting place for another such spark as happened two centuries, one score and nine years ago.

Interesting to think of the perspectives of old: Olde City here versus Olde City in Jerusalem.

Cordoning off the sidewalks like that doesn’t seem to do anything but provide for inconvience. They do this in the Olde City part of town in case you don't already know. You can get a free ticket to walk around Independence Hall and nearby area, but it's still inconvienent to everyone especially to those who aren't tourists. What did they hope to gain by doing that?

True Lincoln suspened habeas corpus during the Civil War, but the Civil War also felt a lot closer to home. It was a war the country was devoted to because without it, our nation's very existence would have been in even more peril. We haven't had wars like that in a *LONG* time.

Please identify yourself when posting comments. I would like to know who is reading this stuff.


Anonymous said...

Glad to see that you are posting more often. And remember, dont let those neg-head downer people keep you from expressing yourself...


Reuben said...

Because of the lakers spammer above, word verification will be added. I'm sorry to have to do this, but some people are assholes sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Yikes, who is masquerading as me? Reuben, start logging IPs...
