If you wish to be able to either post to this blog, receive updates, or find out when this little space of nearly useless info is updated, just ask me.
Sorry about going back and forth like this, but I forgot to change the email address on the original account. That becomes a problem if you also forget the password. Then, a friend convinced me to make a blog anyone could view instead of just that journal at myspace.com. (you know who you are)
Meanwhile, I can simply provide a link to the original blog here. As for the journal at myspace.com, I'm not sure... I might just post a repeat of everything. Maybe the aforementioned friend can convince me to do something again. Everything is his fault after all. ;)
Still, I can't get over how I've seen smaller forums with better posting options than this and myspace.com. Joe Blogger isn't going to know font color = 00000 from font size = 3. Why do these people think that Joe Blogger should? In addition, instead of having a choice between editing the stylesheet itself and choosing one of 8 premade stylesheets isn't much of a choice. Why can I not just choose a color theme in addition to how the blog is laid out? Why doesn't blogspot just hire me or something. Geez! wake up and learn some user-friendly programming skills. And you can't even email a real person from Blogger to tell them about what this thing lacks.
(no blogger I will not start my own blogging service)
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