Tuesday, February 10, 2004

hoop-jumping pretest

I was told to come in today to the BRT (Board of Revision of Taxes) to fill out a form and a doctor's appointment (really the department of health and human services). If only it was as simple as it sounded. When they gave me the form, they told me the doctor is supposed to fill it out. Then, I learned I needed a social security card. Fortunately, the person I talked with knew what building the SSA was housed in. I had some time before my appointment, so I took care of that before the appointment. It reminded me of the DMV with the chairs and having to take a number. I'm sitting there wondering if I'll get to the doctor's appointment on time. Turns out, I go right from the social security office to the doctor's office to find out I'm 40 minutes early. I end up spending a good three hours there, though. At least I wasn't horribly bored as I watched the end of the movie The Rock and 1 1/2 episodes of Law and Order in the waiting room. The doctor told me I need to go back there after I get something from one of my own doctors that says I'm fit to work. Then, and only then, will they complete the form required for me to begin work next Tuesday. Jumping through hoops and it hasn't even begun yet...

I went to my primary care physician because that's the one that was easiest to get to, only to find out that wasn't the doctor I needed to get a letter from. Don't worry if you're confused. I think this is a pretest to prove I'm capable of following orders or something.

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